Saturday, September 29, 2007
Is it possible have a conversation on the telephone without children fighting in the background, one of the waving you down, tugging at you or occasionally (usually my 2yo and 4yo) jumping on your back and squeezing hugging your neck???


Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tiny Talk Tuesday - DRUGSTORE.COM

Ummm...Mommy, I thought drugs weren't good for you?!

And for those of you that tuned in last week for Ready, Aim, Fire!, here are the remains from that memorable day;)

For More Tiny Talk Tuesdays, stop by Mary's @ Not Before 7!

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Sunday, September 23, 2007
The Smell of Autumn
Yesterday my husband was mowing the lawn with the children, each one eagerly awaiting their turn. As they cut the grass for the last time this year, I sat on the porch with the the baby :B While sitting there I was enjoying the smell of the freshly cut grass and the crisp autumn breeze passing by. And the smell just brought back so many wonderful memories of fall when I was a child.

I am so thankful my children will finally be able to experience the true autumn season, raking up leave and jumping in....followed by a tick inspection. Warm toasty fires while roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. And hopefully a few camping trips:)

This little stroll down memory lane leads me to a haiku poem I thunk up all by my little old self for Melissa's Haiku Carnival....please, no tomato throwing.

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Friday, September 21, 2007
Excited and......

My Sister in law/Best Friend in the world is coming Sunday! I'm excited because I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! We've been friends since I were 4 years old (I guess that gives you an idea how long DH and I have known each other.) We've gone through SO much together. She's always there for me even though we are miles apart. But for some reason every time she comes I feel a little inadequate. Please don't get me wrong, she doesn't do anything directly to make me feel this way, I somehow do it to myself.

I see how her children eat a variety of vegetable and think "I should make my children eat more vegetables."

Her children go to bed at a descent hour, and I say to myself, "I should make sure mine go to bed at a descent hour."

She's got tons of wonderful, creative ideas, and I wonder, "Why can't I think of great ideas like that?"

I know the Lord LOVES us both and created us all different, but I can't stand feeling this way. I mean we live two different lives, she has three children and I have seven, she's settled and we're months away, but I just can't seem to shake it.

I don't know, maybe it's just the thought of 15 people and ONE bathroom rackin' my brain, but I'm always up for a challenge;)

If you don't mind, please say a little prayer for me, so this feeling goes away and I can just enjoy our time together. I really do love our time together and so do the children!!!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Who Am I Casting Crowns
I saw this at Jammie's blog and had to share it with you!


Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Ready, Aim, Fire!
I want to start today's Tiny Talk Tuesday with a wee wee bit of motherly advise. Always have a pamper in hand BEFORE changing your baby's diaper.

This weekend as I set my SWEET, INNOCENT, 4 month old darling son on my bed to change him. I undid his dirty diaper to let him air out (which make him very happy) while I reached for a new one. Within those 2 seconds, he pe*d on top of my laptop, leaving a nicely sized puddle there....thank goodness it was closed! (Sorry, no picture, I was in a state of panic, so I wiped it off right away!)

When I told my loving husband about the incident, I noticed he was hiding a little smile.

I know there was no actual talking, but Actions Speak Louder Than Words, yes no?! So I'm thinkin' my baby was was trying to tell me something....

For more Tiny Talk Tuesdays, visit Mary @ Not Before 7!

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Friday, September 14, 2007
I had a WONDERFUL Birthday, Thanks!
I don't have much time now, but I just wanted to thank everyone for stopping by and wishing me a Happy Birthday. I have a few things I'd like to share with you all. I hope tonight to stop by some blogs. Since school has started (which is going pretty well btw), I haven't been reading and commenting like I'd like to...speaking of school, I better hurry back. After school, I plan on dueling hubby at a game of pool Wii style! We're both semi-competitive ;)

In the meantime, go check out my "Go Figure" post @ MTM!

Go Figure @ Multi-Tasking Moms


Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We've All Got a Touch of IT!
I read Karen's post yesterday, Do you have AAADD? I think we ALL have a touch of it, especially if you have children!

I mean today I was filling out a disclaimer for our telephone company and I asked my son what today's date was...."Uhhh....September 11th, your BIRTHDAY!!!" Ok, another DUH! moment for the books.

...Speaking of September 11th a.k.a 9-11 I just want to ask everyone to say a prayer for all people who died and for their families on that terrible day and to all the soldiers.

Also, checkout Leigh Ann's wonderful post, "It was a day that changed our nation" over at the MTM blog.

On another note, don't forget to check out the 89th Carnival of Homeschool hosted by Henry and Janine @ Why Homeschool.

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Monday, September 10, 2007
Hu's on First?
You may have seen this already, but I just saw it the other day and had a good laugh. Enjoy!


Saturday, September 8, 2007
By Curious George I Think I've Got It!!!
After much time praying and asking the Lord to guide me, I finally planned out a homeschool schedule that is working well for both me and my children. They love it, I love it and everyone is HAPPY!!!! So, here's the plan:

  • Bible
  • Copywork (verses from the Bible)
  • Narnia Audio Books
  • Hooked on Phonics Master Reader (R & J)
  • Primary Language Lessons (A & M)
  • History
  • Handicrafts
  • Reading Time (mixed in above at various times)
  • Bible
  • Math
  • Poetry & Literature
  • AVKO Spelling
  • Science-Botany
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Reading Time
  • Bible
  • Copywork
  • Math
  • Intermediate Language Lessons (R & J)
  • Hooked on Phonics (A & M)
  • Geography Through Literature
  • Music- folk songs and hymns (nothing formal)
  • Reading Time
  • Bible
  • Copywork
  • Poetry & Literature
  • AVKO Spelling
  • Science- Botany
  • Artistic Pursuits
  • Reading Time
  • Bible
  • Math
  • Poetry & Literature
  • Intermediate Language Lessons (R & J)
  • Hooked on Phonics (A & M)
  • Geography Through Literature
  • Music
  • Reading Time
  • Copywork
  • Math
  • AVKO Spelling
  • Cleaning (doesn't really count for school)
  • Children Cook Dinner!

In the past I would feel that if I wasn't doing 5 days of math OR 3 days of science, I wasn't teaching my children enough. I'm learning to LET GO and LET GOD! I don't feel like there will be any g a p s and my heart feels content.

I pray that we will have a peaceful year full of FUN and LEARNING!!!

I love it when a plan comes together! ~ Col. John "Hannibal" Smith (A-Team)

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Change of Plans
We have a WINNER!!!

Frazzled Farm Wife Sept. 11...something good had to happen on that day!

Thanks for playing everyone!!!


Since no one can guess the movie (Gladiator) in my last contest, then I have another contest for you. Guess when my birthday is this month....still pondering the prize.


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