Thursday, October 25, 2007
Confucius says.....
"Boys who stick feet in toilet water get cold toes."

Oh wait, noooooo....that was me that said that to my 2yo potty training son;)

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Blogger Susan said...

This almost made me giggle this morning :o)!!!!

Blogger Just Mom said...


I have a toilet water-related post today too.

Great minds think alike. :-D

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, this helps explain my question on Just Mom's blog as to how children splash toilet water? Now I know. Thanks for clearing that up :)

Blogger ... said...

wait... i'm trying to picture this. how does a 2 year old get into the toilet? why didn't you have your camera? lol.

there are so many times that i'm jealous of you moms with young children and then there's times i am sooooo glad my kids are grown and i'm past some of the more trying times.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(My hands got cold when I had to fish things out of the toilet!)

Blogger Jen said...
Blogger weavermom said...

This DID make me giggle. :)

Blogger Amanda said...

HA!!! That is too funny!

Blogger Momma Roar said...

This made me giggle too - because we've been there - except my like to dunk their behinds in! EEeeewwwwww

Blogger Lori said...

OH that is funny! Gave me something to laugh about today.

Blogger Mary@notbefore7 said...

LOL! Where is that camera when you need it?

Blogger Jamie said...

Oh my that is soo funny!!

So let me get this straight...our feet aren't supposed to go in there?? HAHA

Blogger Heidi Jo Comes said...

and possibly some type of toe fungus:0)

Ah, in the same right? Confucius=Mommy...:D

Blogger randi said...

HaHa! That is too funny!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is too funny!
Just stopping by to say hello. I am a homeschooling mom to 8. Stop by for a visit some time.

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